Composer detected issues in your platform: Your Composer dependencies require a PHP version ">= 8.0.0". October 2019 – Digital Marketing Collective

5 No-Fuss Ways to Get the Most Out of Local Digital Marketing Agencies in 2020

Digital marketing has remarkable power to determine your brand equity, get your values out there in the public eye, and boost your bottom line. The trick is getting the most out of your relationship with your local digital marketing agencies; and in 2020 that means understanding what digital marketing can do and what you want for your partnership.

What Digital Marketing Is All About

If your company has been around for a while, you could be forgiven for dismissing digital marketing as something that’s only necessary for e-commerce or new brands. The reality is that digital marketing is essential for every business in the 21st-century.

The first PC was introduced to the world in 1981, and it didn’t take long for businesses to see that the personal computer offered important ways to connect with consumers. By the 1990s, the search engine had starting to influence how people looked for a business and evaluated before they bought.

Today there’s so much information available online that consumers generally don’t make a buying decision until they’ve perused the Internet. And while they’re online, they’re generally giving as much weight to online reviews as they would to recommendations or warnings from friends and family. Local digital marketing agencies help you take advantage of the situation while avoiding the pitfalls that can come when consumers have access to so much information and almost anyone can put almost anything into the online space.

Get the Most From Local Digital Marketing Agencies


Your digital marketing agency can only help you solidify your brand reputation and build brand equity if you have a good sense of who you are and where you want to go. When you talk to your local marketing agency, go beyond the generalities. Every business wants to be at the top of search results, but not every business has a strong sense of their brand value and promise and the way effective digital marketing can use this to influence your relationship with consumers.


Local digital marketing agencies hire the best. They proactively look for people with expertise in building brands across all the various digital spaces and who know what locals are looking for. A great agency will have experts in e-mail marketing, display advertising, blogging, SEO, mobile marketing and more. If you’ve got access to expertise, why not use it?

Move to Mobile

People are using their mobile for everything these days, from keeping receipts to writing emails to researching brands before they buy. The modern business has to be mobile-forward. To get the most from your local digital marketing agency, it’s important you understand the power of mobile and intentionally discuss how to leverage that power to your advantage.

Understand Your Audience

Digital marketing in the 21st century can’t be general or unfocused. Consumers want a connection with their brands. They want to know your company promise and buy where business values align with their own. You’ll get the most from your digital marketing partner if you have a strong sense of your target customer so your marketing efforts zero in effectively.

Know What You Want

Perhaps the most powerful thing in digital media is the call to action. Through your call to action, you communicate to potential consumers what it is you want them to do. This might be to buy, to reach out, to join a mailing list, or even to watch a video: but if you know exactly what you want people to do when they hear your brand name or visit your website, you empower your digital marketing agency to help you achieve success.

Work With the Best

You want to be the company people in the Calgary area turn to, so why not work with the region’s leading local digital marketing agency? Call Digital Marketing Collective today and see where we can take your brand tomorrow.

Why a Calgary Digital Marketing Agency Is Your Best Bet for Local Support

From coordinating the supply chain to keeping projects within budget and keeping up with payroll, your plate is full. Keeping your Calgary business thriving takes constant attention, and it’s easy to let some aspects of marketing fall through the cracks. Hiring a dedicated marketing agency gives you access to the best marketing expertise without the need to hire on yet more full-time staff. That’s great; but which marketing agency should you choose? A local Calgary digital marketing agency, or one of the national or even international marketing services?

The big national companies that have a lot of money make a lot of claims, but in the end, a local agency is your best bet for local support.

Why a Calgary Digital Marketing Agency Is Your Best Bet

You’re Always Talking to Someone Qualified

When a big marketing agency spread across multiple time zones offers “24/7” support, you have reason to be suspicious. In many cases, what they mean by this is that they’ve hired people across the country, and sometimes on the other side of the world, to be available on chat or by phone during working hours in their own time zone. Then, no matter who calls them or from where, there’s someone to answer the phone. But are the people on the phone actually experts with detailed knowledge of your account?

If you happen to call during normal business hours at the main office, there will be someone to talk to, but otherwise, you might be talking to someone who can’t actually give you any personalized help. They can make a note of your issue and make sure someone gets back to you, but in the end, you might be paying extra for a service that doesn’t really exist. In contrast, a local Calgary digital marketing agency keeps the same hours you do, and in the same time zone, and when you call there’s always someone on the other line who knows all about your situation.

You’ll Get Help More Quickly

A big national marketing agency, even if you reach them immediately, may not be able to send someone over right away to discuss your needs or help you change up your strategy. It could take a few days, particularly if you’re a small or medium-sized business. A national agency is going to prioritize their time and effort by who has the biggest account and which clients are in the markets they get the most out of.

Your local marketing agency is committing to thriving in the same community that you work in. That means providing great service to businesses like yours in Calgary. There’s never any reason for them to hesitate to meet and every reason to help you tweak your strategy until you’re perfectly happy with it.

You’ll Work With People in the Know

Every region moves to its own rhythm. There are particular times of the year and certain holidays that are more important to business than another and city-specific events that provide unique challenges or opportunities. A big national marketing agency doesn’t have its finger on the pulse of where you operate.

Your local Calgary digital marketing agency, on the other hand, knows what’s going on where you live. They know when a certain time of year will be more crucial to your business or when a special event is planned. They can help you quickly change up your marketing tactics to maximize opportunities and know when they shouldn’t distract you because you need to focus your attention.

Get the Best in Local Marketing Support

Our local Calgary marketing agency is adaptable and ready to help you thrive in the community we all share. For access to the best in marketing expertise and local support you can count on, contact the Digital Marketing Collective today.

9 Surprising Stats That Will Help You Choose a Digital Marketing Agency in Calgary

Is your business making the most of digital marketing? If you’re not investing much in digital marketing yet or aren’t seeing the results everyone seems to be talking about, the issue could be choosing the right digital marketing agency in Calgary. There are some surprising stats that illustrate just how crucial it is to work with the best.

9 Surprising Stats You Need to Know

1. The Importance of Video

Including a good video on your website landing pages can increase conversions by 86%. That’s an increase worth shooting for; the trick is producing quality, relevant videos that will grab those conversions. You need digital marketers who know your industry, know what will appeal to your local customers, and have the expertise to produce what you need.

2. Conversions vs Outreach

It only costs $1 to convert a customer: the real expense, $92, is in acquiring them. While you do need some help making those conversions happen, where you especially can’t afford to waste money working with anyone less than the best is in outreach.

3. SEO

Did you know that 90% of people who conduct an Internet search haven’t made up their minds before they start? The vast majority of searchers are open to being swayed by your effective digital marketing campaign. Are they?

4. Longtail Keywords

One of the key reasons to find the right digital marketing agency in Calgary is the importance of keywords. Short, generic keywords are almost impossible for a small or medium-sized business to rank for, but longtail keywords are easier. But when 50% of search queries are 4+ words long, do you have the time, expertize, and resources to discover exactly which of these phrases are the right ones?

5. Security

Well over 80% of people will not buy something if they’re on an unsecure website. Not only does your website have to be actually secure; you also have to make that clear to everyone who visits your site.

6. Mobile Users

More than half of smartphone users discover a new company or product when they search with their mobile phones. You want to be one of the first products popping up, but getting into that position takes expert help and professionals dedicating to keeping up with all the changes in search algorithms and SEO in general.

7. The Competition

Your competition is planning on investing more in digital marketing, threatening to leave behind anyone who doesn’t take digital marketing seriously enough. 61% have made better SEO and a greater organic presence their top marketing priority.

8. Paid vs Organic

Internet consumers are wise to the paid advertisements and don’t trust them. After all, if they wanted to see paid advertisements, they could go a bit early to the movies. When they go online, they’re looking for organic results with trustworthy reviews, and research shows that nearly 80% of searchers will only look at organic results.

9. Beyond Facebook

Facebook is still crucially important, with nearly 2.4 billion active monthly users, but it’s not going to hold its position at the top forever. Only about half of teens are using Facebook these days, and Facebook recently had to admit that around 270 million of its profiles aren’t even real. You need professional marketers who can make the most of Facebook while also helping you broaden your social media presence to other key platforms.

Your Digital Marketing Agency in Calgary

See for yourself the difference an experienced, local digital marketing agency can make for your business and contact DM collective today. We have our fingers on the pulse of the digital landscape and can help you get the results you need.

6 Signs You Need Help With Your Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is key to the 21st-century entrepreneur; but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. With search engines changing their algorithms on a regular basis and the Internet itself adjusting regularly, it can be hard for the average company to keep up. After all, your main concern is your own business and how to run it. Do you need digital marketing help? Here’s how to tell:

6 Signs You Need Digital Marketing Help

You Keep Running Out of Time

Marketing is a time commitment. This was true 50 years ago when marketing was all about signs and hard copy. It’s still true today in the digital age. If you are swapped with keeping up with your own business, even something as simple as providing an update to your blog can seem out of reach. If you find yourself constantly running out of time when it comes to digital marketing, it might be time to reach out for some help.

You Don’t Get Enough Conversions

One of the most common digital marketing misunderstandings is the belief that traffic equals sales. That isn’t always the case. Sometimes people come to your website and look around because you have a video or some other content that applies to everyone across the board.

To fix this, you have to have a mobile-friendly design that offers compelling reason for visitors to take an action. You have to answer your visitors’ real questions, provide content that is relevant to the visitors at your sites, and lead people into the conversions that you need.

You Don’t Have a Clear Plan

How do you optimize your website, your social media presence, and your paid channels to reach your target audience in an effective way? You need an integrated plan that covers all of these issues and more. You need digital marketing help to set up a plan to get you where you want to go.

You Are Not Growing

To succeed, a company should plan to grow around 7% to 8% every year. If your company is not going at this rate or close to it, one of the most likely problems is a failure to attract customers.

Repeat customers are great. But they are only a certain percentage of your business and they only last for so long. You have to constantly attract new customers. If you are having trouble doing so, you might need digital marketing help.

Digital Marketing Isn’t Your Jam

You are a professional in your field. You aren’t expected to have a lot of experience in marketing. If you outsource your marketing campaign, you’re putting your marketing future in the hands of people with the expertise and experience to give you what you need.

You Notice That Your Content Is Not Interesting

When people get on the Internet they want either something relevant to their needs or something interesting. You probably have a general idea of how to offer something relevant. It’s more difficult to come up with something interesting that will grab visitors’ attention. You have to dedicate time and resources to create the high-quality content that will bring people to your pages and then keep them there once they realize you have something to offer.


Be authentic, but don’t go too far with pictures and videos of your dog! Authentic content is a great way to grab people who might otherwise not visit your website, but this kind of contact hooks you up with people who may have no interest in what you have to sell. Getting hits is not the main reason to be on social media. Getting hits should be just the first step in expanding your brand and making it easier for people to find you. At DM collective, we know what you need to promote your brand and get ahead in the industry. Contact DM collective today to find out how we can produce results for you.